Companion Planting Guide

With 124 plants and counting, this companion planting guide allow you to quickly search and sort through many vegetables, herbs, and flowers to maximize you companion planting strategy. Our list contains companion planting research done on over 20 sites and compiled a useful and searchable guide. A must have for all gardeners!

Plant: Benefits:
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  • Daisy

    Attracts beneficial insects.

  • Datura

    Deters Japanese beetles. Note: All parts of the Datura plant are poisonous! It can produce skin irritations in some people.

  • Dill

    Improves growth. Draws in many beneficial insects as the umbrella flower heads go to seed. Blossoms attract honeybees, butterflies/caterpillars, Hoverflies, Wasps, Tomato Horn Worms (bad for tomatoes). Repels aphids, spider mites, squash bugs, cabbage looper.

  • Eggplant

    Avoid planting them in close proximity to peppers, tomatoes and potatoes as they attact common pests.

  • Fennel

    Most plants dislike fennel so plant it away from the vegetable garden. Its foliage and flowers may attract beneficials. Repels fleas, so grow it around dog kennel.

  • Flax

    Flax contains tannin and linseed oils which may offend the Colorado potato bug.

  • Four-O'Clocks

    Draws Japanese beetles like a magnet which then dine on the foliage. The foliage is pure poison to them!

  • Foxglove

    Can be lethally poisonous from ingesting any part.

  • Garlic

    Repels aphids, weevils, carrot flies, moles, fruit tree borers; Controls rust flies and some nematodes; protects tomatoes against red spiders. Protects roses from black spot, mildew and aphids.

Last Update 2/9/2019: Added Swiss Chard, Chicory, and Kale