Companion Planting Guide

With 124 plants and counting, this companion planting guide allow you to quickly search and sort through many vegetables, herbs, and flowers to maximize you companion planting strategy. Our list contains companion planting research done on over 20 sites and compiled a useful and searchable guide. A must have for all gardeners!

Plant: Benefits:
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  • Marigold

    Encourages growth, deters Mexican bean beetles and other pests. Discourages harmful nematodes, if they are grown for several seasons in the ground in areas that have nematode infestations. Should not be planted near any legume crop due to antibacterial thiophenes exuded by the roots.

  • Marjoram

    Improves the flavor of vegetables and herbs.

  • Mimosa

    Used as a natural ground cover in agriculture.

  • Mint

    Improves flavor and growth. Earthworms are quite attracted to mint plantings. Be careful where you plant it as mint is an incredibly invasive perennial.

  • Morning Glory

    Attract hoverflies and Ladybugs. Fast growing vines provides cover.

  • Mugwort

    Dissuade aphids, moths, and other bothersome insects in the garden. Can inhibit growth of nearby plants. Mugwort likes to grow alone, consider planing in a pot or isolated container so not to interfer with the growth of other plants. Weak mugwort tea spray works as a natural insecticide. Leaves and stalks can be used as kindling.

  • Mustard

    Plant mustard as a trap crop. It attracts numerous insect pests. Remove and destroy it before your main crops can be harmed.

  • Nasturtiums

    Repels aphids, cucumber beetles, whiteflies and squash bugs. Acts as trap crop for aphids. Repels borers near fruit trees. leaves, flowers and seeds are all edible and wonderful in salads.

  • Okra

    Provides shade for lettuce.

Last Update 2/9/2019: Added Swiss Chard, Chicory, and Kale